Comfi-Grip Long Handled Deluxe Sponge

At the, we always look at the best items, for the right moments, the right time and for the right situations and bath time is just one of those moments when we can need a little bit of help. If you have conditions such as arthritis, neck injuries, back injuries, muscle strains or joint pains, then this comfi-grip long handled deluxe sponge is the ideal item for you. With a 53 cm (21") reach, there is not a place on your body that you cannot reach. A light weight and bendable handle makes this sponge perfect to ensure that you do not have to twist your body and increase your chance of further injuries. Whatever your skin type, the sponge is soft and this makes it perfect for cleaning or even just as a lotion applicator.
Upgraded from the long handled sponge, this item has an upgraded handle for people who may have Peripheral Neuropathy, Arthritis and other hand issues. The deluxe sponge is so perfect to make your bathing experience as luxurious as possible.
Glenn Knight CEO Training 2 CARE Group and Dementia ambassador comments "No one ever thinks about the small and obvious and the long handled bath sponge is probably one of those items that would not normally be thought about, but why? We have all had times in our life when we have 'cricked' our necks, injured our body or had aches and pains that making movement in a bath an impossible task. This sponge is amazing!!! I have tried it and I have loved it, it makes bathing so easy and I can then concentrate on relaxing rather than worrying about another sharp pain. For people with dementia, often having the ability to keep distance when supporting or giving personal will make bathing easier. Having the ability to personalise and manipulate the handle to the individual will also keep them independent as long as possible and with the home being recognised as the future hospital, this sponge really does have it's place".